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Sorry forgive and let go

Dear Diary,

It is amazing how much I learn from reading the Bible. There are so many life lessons , advices that are needed in our life. This week, I had learnt such a life lesson which was , how hard it is for us to forgive someone or say the word 'sorry'. The word sorry is such a powerful word , it can melt any anger , strife , bring peace , if said with true intention. Even when we know , that some matters would be solved, if we just said a sorry but no our pride won't let us. We don't want to be looked down for being wrong. I am guilty of that too not only that , I just feel so dumb and admitting I'm sorry makes me feel according to me look more dumb. How better the world would be , if we owned upto our mistakes and apologized. We let our pride take over and ruin everything and it's not long before you realize your mistake and by that time you are too late and the damage is done. According to research, one of the reasons why relationships break apart is because the significant other , never apologized and take responsibility for what they said or did. The other person is left feeling hurt , unable to trust again or end up blaming themselves for everything that transpired. I'm actively learning to say sorry and hold myself accountable for the things that I say and do. Sometimes , when we apologize , we might not get the response we expected or the change we wanted. But it is the first step to making amends. When we make it a habit , it no longer feels like a burden weighing on our soul and not only do we feel better but the other person does as well. Forgiveness is something that even today , I fail in many occassions. What is it about forgiveness that we find it so hard to do? I know the excuses I make like 'what that person did or said to me was mean and horrible' or say it will haunt me forever and has affected my life. But that one person became 2 then 5 then 10 and suddenly I realized that I had a problem. I was unable to forgive someone even if it is something so petty and small. I carried it with me all those years from my time spent in school to now. I remember hearing in a message , if you don't learn to forgive someone , you will never learn. I was not able to let go what some people had done or said to me in my life. Holding onto that, made me more angry , mean-spirited , unable to heal and move on. We sit there thinking we will probably get a sorry but I will be honest, you probably never will or even worse , you will come to know, that they had no idea what they had done wrong. My mom always use to say to us , forgive even if they are in the wrong and I use to think she was weak because she said that but now I realized it is the most strongest thing you can do is to ' FORGIVE AND LET GO'. We are all human beings and no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. We all place these unrealistic expectation on people to be perfect for us but to our disappointment it's never the case. They turn to be just like us imperfect and make mistakes. Just forgive and try to understand or let go and if it is your fault, apologize. It's sounds simple but when you start doing it , you realize how difficult it is but not impossible. God has helped me to learn to forgive and let go. Whenever I should be apologizing , He puts it in my heart and doesn't stop until I apologize. God being perfect , full of mercy and love , forgives all of my shortcomings , shouldn't I also learn to forgive others too?



About Me


Hi, My name is Liz. I am 25 yrs old, a goofball and love to talk a lot .God is a big part of my life and my no.1 cheerleader. I am a good listener atleast that's what my frends say. I laugh at my own challi(very bad joke).You will probably see me dancing to bollywood music on the streets.


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