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Psalm 19

Dear Diary ,

I started the habit of reading and studying Psalms before I go to bed. When I study a chapter , I pray to God to help me understand His word and for the Holy Spirit to enlighten and counsel me. One such night, I was reading Psalm 19. We know this chapter so well if not the first 4 verses. "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaim His handiwork. Day to day pours out speech and night to night reveals knowledge." 2 When I was reading this all too familiar chapter , I learnt a lot of things that night. In vs 1-6 , the Psalmist describes how the earth boasts the wonderful way, God has made it. Isn't amazing to see His creations and think with how much thought , detail and time He made each and everything? How the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. How day changes into night. The psalmist says how anybody who truly experience these wonders cannot help but believe in God. When everything is in our plain sight , yet some people are failing to believe. vs 7-11 , describes the perfection of the Law of the Lord which revives our soul and the word of God which teaches us the truth. God's word is right and pure which brings enlightenment to us. We may find it hard in the beginning to follow His way but once we start to strengthen our relationship in Him , it becomes much more important to us , to uphold His words and not the world. For His words are greater than gold and sweeter than honey. It also gives us instructions on how to live our life on earth. vs 12, 13 are personally my favorite becuase it's something that I am learning now. God is teaching me these days to be more aware of my mistakes. Not just brush it aside and sweep it under the rug but discern that I did wrong and accept and be accountable. Before I use to justify, now I learn from my errors , confess to God and ask Him for strength to overcome it. I also pray to overcome my weaknesses that are leading me to sin because in my weakness , I find strength in Him. The moment you learn to let go and ask God to help, that's when the transformation begins. I definitely feel Him encouraging me and supporting me in my life. He has brought a lot of changes in my life and much more clarity in my thoughts and actions. The Psalmist ends with a prayer that his words and his thoughts would be pleasing to God. I encourage everyone to read the Bible everyday make it a habit that you cannot break. Not just read it but study it. God will truly open your eyes and make you see and help you understand what He wants you to know. You will find comfort, peace, guidance, understanding, happiness and much more awaiting you. What are you waiting for ? Psalms is a great way to end your day , it truly refreshes your soul like it does for me, before you go to bed. “We need to encourage new believers to feed on God’s Word—it is nourishment for the soul.” ― Billy Graham,



About Me


Hi, My name is Liz. I am 25 yrs old, a goofball and love to talk a lot .God is a big part of my life and my no.1 cheerleader. I am a good listener atleast that's what my frends say. I laugh at my own challi(very bad joke).You will probably see me dancing to bollywood music on the streets.


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