Have stress: Learn to Unwind
Dear Diary,

This week was tough , I made it through. I was quite surprised with myself although there was a moment of weakness but still if I was to grade myself , I would say A- (because we indians always need a grade). How I tackle my stress , with quiet time with God , my instagram account and my blog as of now. It really keeps me strong and motivated. Shout to my Husband who is my big support and has taken up full responsibility of cooking in our home.
My mom and my husband were surprised after reading my first post. They sat down and talked to me. They asked me if I was stressed or worried. I thought to myself well I am going to write a huge exam, I'm studying things that I learnt some time back (con of studying by heart) so a normal person would say yes I am. I told them that it's normal to have stress and be anxious but the trick is to not let it get to you but push through it. By the grace of God , I was able to go to Him and pray about it which really helped me with my stress. I also found my instagram account and this blog helped to unwind easily. It turned out to be a therapy session for them rather than me.
It's important to unwind. Our society tells you to push yourself so hard but never tells you to take a break to give you the energy and boost you need. Watching youtube videos and Netflix did not help because I found myself wasting time in that. Instead found something to make it more productive and makes me feel less guilty. I would always encourage people to take up hobbies , find your interests and use your talents because its just not always about working but finding ways to relax in your life which will make you feel happy.
This week I was studying cardiology. So much concepts. You would think it's just a heart , 4 chambers , pumps blood to the entire body. WRONG!!!!. No wonder Billy Ray Cyrus wrote Achy Breaky Heart. It definitely made my heart hurt (Reality: You are having MI or Myocardial Infarction or in layman terms heart attack!!!!). Before the doctors come to correct me , I know there are number of other causes but I'm stating the most common one. Although it was hard , once I read through the concepts , it somehow made sense. Made me wonder if I had spend time in college actually understanding it rather then gulping it down , it would have been much easier now. Now I know why boys in my college were like "dee concept aadi concept".(Much more amazing wisdom from guys to come- don't know the wisdom part but more of advising).
I give salute to my classmates who apply for exams as I was going through the same process. No one understands how hard and complicated it is or basically have a clue on how to do it. After inquiring with a number of people , you think you are ready but you realize you are not. You will be probably be missing that one thing , that one thing. Would'nt it be easier if there was a system to make the application easier. Even though now you can scan documents online , it's still a lot of work. I have seen my friends look like zombies after the entire process. I still think it could be better , having a database you and they can access and not to mention especially if you're planning to study abroad. (:( )
During the lockdown , I took a lot of things for granted , so many things I put off but only to realize that its too late now. One of the things , I truly miss (not a big fan of shopping or travelling) is CHURCH . I miss the fellowsip , praising and worshipping God but kudos to churches who are putting in the time and effort , conducting meetings, services on Zoom and ensuring everyone will be able to experience the same things they had before lockdown. It's amazing to see that the pandemic has not brought down our spirit but help us grow stronger in faith.
Although this week was tough , it finally ended in us eating a favorite dish of ours Pappadi chaat . Yes I'm a sucker for food and it makes me happy.
Now I leave with a quote :
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”— Lao-Tze