Delays are not Delays
Dear Diary,
'Delays are not denials' such an easy thing to say but when you go through a phase like that , it almost feels impossible. A story that comes to my mind is my parent's many attempts to come to America. Either the timing was off or the visa got rejected or we, the kids , were too young. That dream, kind of slowly started fading away from our minds but my parents never gave up. Maybe it was because God put it in their hearts. They were determined and were not ready to back down. I remember people jokingly asking us "if we are planning to go anytime soon". The second time they applied, I was in college , my sister was in the 11th grade and my brother in the 8th grade. One would think we were settled in life , this might not, be the right time to move and just give up the whole idea altogether. Well my answer is , there is no right time and right idea. Life is full of surprises and we don't know when things are meant to happen. It reminds me of the verse Isaiah 55:8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the
earth , so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
By God's grace , the visa was approved and it has been been 6 years since we moved. Now when we look back, it was indeed the perfect time to move. Depite the delay, we reached here and God helped us settle into our new lives.
In John 11, It talks about Lazarus , His death and resurrection. Mary and Martha sent a word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick. They expected Him to come right away and heal Him. Jesus went to see them after 4 days. Obviously , Lazarus is dead and they are mourning. When they came to know Jesus came , they were sad that He delayed His visit. They and all the people around them said "if you had come earlier and healed Him".
During the waiting period , we become restless, start questioning everything especially God who bears most of the brunt. What if I had done this or that and the process goes on till we completely torture ourselves and run out of energy.We tend to doubt whether we made the right decision or is God really looking out for us. Patience is a virtue that we definitely learn during this time and to truly understand that it's not in our hands and trust God. The problem is we want control , we want answers and right now. It's far more difficult especially where we live in a time where everything is instant. It has ingrained in us the need to get everything right now.
Lazarus who was dead now became alive with one word of Jesus. Everyone drew a line on Jesus thinking on the things He can do but He proved everyone wrong and made them understand that , He has power over death and to not limit the extent of His power. This is the next common thing that we find ourselves doing unknowingly. We think I'll just do something else or do it some other way which feels like we are trying to say , God I think this is too difficult for you , let me help. Here is another one , I guess you have no idea or you're mistaken about it.
Delays are hard and I wholeheartedly agree but this process can be so much more productive and stimulating when we learn to trust God and leave it to Him. This could finally be the time , you can sit down and do a Bible study that you have been putting off for some time. You can get back to your quiet sessions with God and truly listen for His voice without having those pesky distractions. Spend some time with your loved ones and maybe do the things you love doing. Pray to Him and cast your worries and doubts to Him and ask Him to renew your strength and refresh your soul. He will give you the strength to fight. This season of waiting can be beautiful if you chose to make it one. When you plant a seed , you wait for it grow. It takes time but you wait and slowly it grows and turn into a beautiful flower. Just like this period of delay although takes a long time, it will bear much fruit for you.