2020 - A Year of God's Faithfulness

Lamentations 3:22-23
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases ;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
We all around this time waited with abated breath ready for the new year, to begin. With all our hopes and expectations, we went forward. We had no idea what was awaiting us. A GLOBAL PANDEMIC. In a blink of an eye, everything changed. All of our hopes and dreams came crashing down.
It was an unfortunate year. Internet, news, people everywhere canceled 2020. I was ready to throw in the towel but God shifted my focus to Him. He somehow managed to shift my focus on things that are uncertain to Him who is certain. There were hard times, moments of uncertainty, frustration, anger, anxiety, stress, and worries but I was able to turn to Him. He always had an answer and He became my refuge. He began to change my perspective, to see that His hand was indeed working in my life even when I felt like He wasn't.
At the beginning of 2020, I fell back on my habit of Bible study and prayer due to persistent confusion about my future and multiple excuses. Then there was a wake-up call for me to turn back to Him. Once again, with His grace, I began to commit to my time with God with daily prayer and Bible study. Slowly, I began to learn from Him and it became something I enjoyed, my time with Him. There were days, where I would slip but He would correct and remind me.
And so began my journey where I was in more awe of Him as I saw how He began to work in my life and the people around me. I wrote down everything that He did big or small and I was shocked to see pages after pages of God's faithfulness. There are days I would wake up, looking forward to what God has planned today. To see His amazing glory not just in my life but also in others, my joy knows no bound. A year that began with confusion ended with a year that I was able to have front seat experience to God's wonderful miracles.
That is the problem, isn't it? We become so focused on our problems that we do not see God working in our lives. We need to learn to put our focus on God and stop narrowing our focus and widen our perspective that way, we will be able to see God with us through the storm and sing His praises and feel His goodness. Like Peter who walked on water, with His eyes set on Jesus but began to drown when His focus shifted to the raging storm surrounding Him. In the midst of the storm, set your eyes on Him, and walk for He is with you.
Proverbs 4:25 - Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.
Isaiah 26:3 -You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you because he trusts in you.
Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
2020 will not be forgotten by anyone for it will be remembered when the whole world came to a standstill but I will remember it as a year of God's faithfulness where I was able to see Him in action and in the new year 2021, I encourage you to widen your focus on God and let Him change your perspective and in doing so, you will see His work in your life and think from His perspective- God's perspective.
A few verses from one of my favorite song ' Great is thy faithfulness'
Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth, Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide; Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!
"Great is Thy faithfulness!" "Great is Thy faithfulness!" Morning by morning new mercies I see; All I have needed Thy hand hath provided— "Great is Thy faithfulness, " Lord, unto me!